Monday, March 4, 2013

Class Photo

Every character involved has now been designed.

General Cutler's son is also designed, but he's just a head on a screen, and not worth putting up right now.  There are a few things still the be drawn - The TARDIS, the radiation suits, the dreaded Z-Bomb (pronounced Zed), various props, and the very frightening and not at all ridiculous Cyber Ships!

The focus now shifts towards making a few storyboards.  The conceit of this animation is that it is very very simple.  It's meant to be like watching an animated Punch and Judy show.  Characters will bob up and down, flail their arms, and act like puppets.  But I still need to set up just how the characters will interact: who will be on stage together, how they will flail, and all that.  We'll see.  I'm just pleased to have reached this milestone.

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