Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting Started

Greetings, everyone.  This is the first installment of Doctor Who Hand Puppet Madness, a blog chronicling the process of recreating lost Doctor Who episodes through silly animated hand puppets.  Here you will find rough sketches of William Hartnell's wig, drafts of Patrick Troughton's eyebrows, attempts at Jamie McCrimmon's kilt, and other things that I'm too frightened to even imagine at this point.  Basically I will be laying bare the creative process from first design to finished product.  The budget is zero.  The time is variable.  This is the definition of a labor of love.   

There's a lot of seriousness in the world of fandom.  I don't like that.  One of my aims here is to defy seriousness at all costs.  Seriously.  I hope to create somewhat faithful, but ultimately entertaining recreations of lost Doctor Who stories with puppet animation.

Patrick Troughton's 2nd Doctor

There is a lot more to come.  Stay tuned!

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