Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Making Hartnell Cute

Patrick Troughton lent himself to caricature more easily than his predecessor, William Hartnell.  Troughton had impish features and a mischievous face.  Hartnell had patrician dignity and a hawkish aspect.  In other words, his template is taking a little more time to perfect.  In the meantime, here he is in extremely rough draft form.  The face still needs work.  The curls in the back of the hair need tightening up.  Once he's got a frock coat, it may help to pull it all together.

He may look better with slight eyelids.  His current expression makes it look as though he's mistakenly seen Chesterton naked.  I may also go over the borders of his hair in a darker gray to make them stand out more.

This is going to take some work.

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