Friday, February 15, 2013

No McCrimmonations

Over the last day I've been drawing and tweaking the 2nd Doctor companion, Jamie McCrimmon.

The project is still in its infancy, which means that now is the time that I need to figure out how like and how unlike I want these characters.  I want them to be recognizable, certainly, but also simplified and exaggerated.  I still need to tartan up the kilt, and I may or may not be altering the face.  I'm not overly designing the outfit because I want a base model that can be easily adjusted and have features added to it.  If I wanted to give him a sash, it would be a separate feature layered on top of him, rather than drawn onto the template.

This Cyberman is an example of the balancing between attention to detail and avoiding too much detail.  If these characters were being made as actual puppets, you wouldn't see every last bit and piece of the original design.  The trick is to make it look like it has as much detail as it needs, but absolutely no more than it needs.

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